On our 1st day out jigging, we got continuous takes on our jigs by ebek (diamond trevally) and decided to stop after couple of our attempts to release the beautiful specie lively ended up unsuccessful.
A yellow tail barracuda on jig by my collegue HP
The skipper, Ah Boy, with a good size golden trevally
The negotiation with cobia took some 30mins. By the time the cobia was released, we were more than 500m from where we started
Ryan's custom rod was put under good test with the cobia
Custom rod with United blank rating 8-17lb in test
Skipper with his ebek
HP with a juvenile GT
Another ebek on elcheapo jig
On the second day we went jigging at FAD (unjam) and was rewarded with baby GT and couple of mackerels. I got a >15kg cobia on jig and freed itself with a broken kevlar. We tried jigging at few coral trout spots but register no bite at all. Juvenile barracuda were just too many at FAD waters; sabiki was seize and went disappeared before it reach the bottom consecutively 3 times!
Overall the trip was a good trip. I read from somewhere about excellent catch of Pekan ebek fishing and that was why the trip was arranged. Later I was made to understand there were trips where anglers got hit by ebek non-stop biting and some brought back 80 over ebeks. Puzzled I am, on what do they expect on ebek jigging in future if they continue taking everything home.
If you are interested in Pekan fishing, call skipper Ah Boy at +6 013 933 7455. If you speak no other language but english, leave your contact here and I shall get it arranged for you, freeeee service.