I was rather ambitious earlier this year to make or join fishing trips. I targeted 1 trip every month and I have made 7 trips till date. Out of which 3 trips were at west coast and 4 were at east coast of peninsular Malaysia. Out from that 4 trips in east coast, 1 was rather fishless and we ended up in a boat ride with boatman ikan masin of Pekan boats in March 2008. My fishing buddy Sharma made a report on the fishless trip as in http://crazyfisherman.blogspot.com/2008/03/fishless-in-pekan.html
So ... to be more precise, it was 6 trips that I have made huh?
(continue on Dec 5th 2008)
Due to circumstances that could not be improved, my wife stopped her employment and started her career as Unit Trust Consultant under Public Mutual. This move of hers has changed my fishing plan considerably.
With that I have decided to not fish at all in the month of November.
My fishing friend Ryan got a trip to Pulau Jarak waters on November 14-16 on GT Chaser. Ryan's plan earlier was I shall join him in that trip and we shall do more bottom fishing. To reduce the damage on his end, I managed to get another fishing friend to replace my seat. I was happy that they finally made it and came back with good catch. I have found a good photo for the catch summary, copied from report from other angler on board;

I met with Ryan after he came back from the trip. According to Ryan, the silver grunter at left side (just at the stomach of the junior big eye trevally) was hauled by Ah Ho, where only him and Ryan was doing bottom late in the midnight. Well, that is what I would like to see; Ah Ho fishing. Hahaha...
There were few remarkable GT hauled up in this trip, such as this, by my fishing friend PK. Base on my humble estimation should be around 10-12kg. Ah huh ... I notice he caught this with long jig, will ask him how did he work it out, I never got good success with long jigs.

Ryan with his GT, estimated at 8kg-ish.

Angler Allan with a half fish, believed to be robbed by black tip shark in mid water. Hmmm .... looking at the bite mark, the size of black tip is believed to be >15kg. This make me think where to find a jig as big as the GT and ... you know what I mean.

A not bad size GT, angler unknown
The other thing that worth mention here is the "father & son" skippers from Pekan also joined in the trip; skipper ikan masin and his son Ah Boy travelled from Pekan and boarded on GT Chaser. It is really unfortunate that I could not find their photo on GT Chaser though I knew Ah Boy did snapped few photos on board. Will try to get it and post it here, let's see..
Well ... that ends the brief report on Ryan Nov 14-16 GT Chaser Trip.
What is there in December??
About 2 weeks back my friend Derrick asked me if I could make a trip to Yan, Kedah, on Dec 20-21 for 2 days jigging, hunting for mackerel (in local name, "tenggiri"). I made a quick check with my wife to see if there is any family activities planned on that time frame and within 10 seconds I confirmed with Derrick on the trip.
Yan located at Northern end of peninsular Malaysia, and the drive from Kuala Lumpur to Yan going to take at least 5 hours. Derrick briefed me on the fishing field of Yan, on how fisherman there make their "unjam" (FAD) and seems that each fisherman own his unjam. I thought perhaps it is good idea to explore on it.
Stay tuned for Yan fishing report.